
A public social graph connected to fun, gamified financial incentives is an essential piece of infrastructure needed to unlock a movement of impact and brand marketing through Web3. Our vision is an emergent universe of thousands of gamified rewards ecosystems, that bring together unique mixes of brands, nonprofits, creators, and publishers. On Values Network we are co-creating progress toward shared societal goals, towards building an intentional, heart-centered future.

Each reward ecosystem is called a Mission, an evergreen or time-bound activation to achieve impact goals. Missions consist of unique mixes of users, nonprofits, brands, creators, and publishers, each contributing in unique and different ways. Each Mission has Creators and Contributors. Missions can be launched by 1-100 network participants, each receives a Mission Creator NFT which has governance power over the Mission. Anyone on the network can contribute to a Mission.

The purpose of Values Network is to:

  • Enable a multi-stakeholder model to accomplish thousands of meaningful impact goals, large and small

  • Reduce the barriers to entry for any developers to build vertical-specific impact applications, providing a built in user base, gamification infrastructure, and an ecosystem of turnkey partners

  • Enable users and creators to own their content and data through our permissionless protocol with on-chain storage of data

Core Design Features


Missions are represented on Values Network as NFTs, which stores and displays impact data of all actions and donations by network participants towards the Mission. Missions consist of

  • A title and description

  • 1 or more instigators

  • A collection of rewards

  • A collection of actions

  • Impact goal(s)

Each action taken towards a Mission is reflected in a a user's individual VIS and their Join Mission NFT, unlocking Mission-specific rewards.

Values Impact Score (VIS)

The VIS is a comprehensive metric designed to encapsulate a user's engagement and impact on the network. Leveraging blockchain's transparency, the VIS calculates scores based on direct onchain proof of action—such as campaign participation, action completion, and donations. This reputation score will evolve into a powerful tool for Brands and Nonprofits to identify and engage with users who demonstrate high levels of participation in their campaigns, while tapping into new values-aligned audiences.

Verified Action Module

The verified action module is an API which serves verified actions to the end user to complete, handling the full process of guiding the user through the process of taking the action, verifying the action has been properly completed, and rewarding the points to the user. This module is key infrastructure to enable an ecosystem of vertical-specific gamified apps like sustainability action, gamified fundraising, and mental health.

ValuesCo will curate a growing list of verified Nonprofits and Subject Matter Experts to submit verified actions to the network. An impact action consists of

  • Title of action

  • Description of completing the action

  • Impact that taking the action has

  • Category of action

  • Point designation

  • Submission guidelines

  • AI moderator prompt

The verified action module is integrated into social media platforms enabling seamless sharing for the end user.

Gamified donation module

Enables point earning when a user makes a donation to a nonprofit registered on the Values Network. This module handles the full process flow of the donation, presenting the user with an address to send USDC, USDT, SOL, or ETH and rewarding them with entries to win a sweepstake prize.

Rewards liquidity

Values Network has an inventory of protocol-native rewards contributed by brands, publishers, nonprofits, and creators. This creates a certain type of "liquidity" for points earned by contributing to Missions. The reward types include products, coupons, sweepstake entries, tickets, and cryptocurrency. The data structure for a reward is

  • Image of reward

  • Logo of company providing rewards

  • Title of reward

  • Reward type

  • Amount of points required

  • Social assets and data ownership

Phased Go-To-Market Approach

  • Content & media rollout - We will start investing in community building and growing the Values social accounts with highly produced media, content, and hype-building storytelling

  • Distribution partnerships - We will continue charting a pathway forward securing strategic partnerships with media publishers, sports & entertainment brands, and telecoms to build a defensible moat of distribution natively into the protocol

  • Advertising industry ecosystem building - Our team has built an ecosystem of official partners and unofficial champions at every point in the advertising funnel and broader AdTech ecosystem.

  • Horizontal Web3 partnerships - In parallel to our strategic partnership approach with advertising industry and distribution partners, we are prioritizing deep partnerships in the EVM ecosystem and with Solana.

Last updated